Drive for Diabetes Awareness Ambassador Program
This is a voluntary role that involves:
Inspiring people to support the charity
Educating people about what we do
Increasing the geographical reach of Society to Save Lives

Ambassador Program with Options.
Established 2014 Drive for Diabetes Awareness, inc 501 c 3
To become an ambassador for Drive for Diabetes Awareness. There are requirements that must be met.
We do not get paid for this philanthropic work.
The Kuehl family has donated over $75,000 over the last 10 years and thousands of hours to save lives.
You will have my full services and creativity, including monthly meetings on Zoom.
There is a minimum donation of $250 for me to order 50 logos and 200 Brochures. This will enable you to start campaigning for DFDA.
You will get all of DFDA's services in creating your trifold brochure and assistance marketing for the cause of DFDA.
Once you begin to raise funds and share diabetes awareness on social media and other on-site events, we will send you more brochures and logos, and with enough funds, we can help purchase anything related to Diabetes Awareness. Merch such as t-shirts, Can Koozies, keychains, and coffee mugs the list is endless.
Ambassadors will get a minimum of the following:
50 DFDA Magnetic logos
200 Trifold color brochures
Monthly mandatory meeting on Zoom.

Join Our DRIVER Program.
Those that are fully invested with all the options MAY become a Driver for DFDA. To be a driver, there are strict guidelines that we go by, and this can be discussed as progress is made with the Ambassador program.
Prices are estimates.
Hero cards $100
Brochure stand $700
Tent $1700 10x15
T-Shirt $500 - $1000
Team shirts polo $500 - $1000
Pit floor 10x15 $900
Race day-specific brochures. $120 for 200
The total estimate for the full driver program. Approx. $5,000.
When you raise money for DFDA, we will use the money to buy merch and send it to you. Pay entry fees etc. The more you raise, the more we can all do to save lives. Racing with DFDA requires you to post on social media and share the symptoms poster and any creative way to help save lives.
We use two slogans and our symptoms poster.
"Check Don't Guess" It may not be the flu!
"Education is knowledge, and knowledge is the power to help save lives."
If this interests you and you have time to communicate via email and are ready to race for more than just yourself. Just reply with what you would like to do as soon as the donation is made. I'll go to work for you to help us save lives.
We are looking forward to hearing what options you would like to go with.